filehel PuTTY Session Manager Plus

PuTTY Session Manager Plus
Site Under Construction Still


PuTTY Session Manager Plus (PSMP) is a tool that allows system adminstrators to organise their PuTTY sessions into folders and assign hotkeys to their favourite sessions. This is designed for MS Windows and requires the .NET 8.0 Runtime.

  • Organise your sessions into folders
  • Launch folders of sessions simultaneously
  • Assign Windows hotkeys to your ten favourite sessions
  • Browse session folders from the system tray
  • Display sessions in a list
  • Semi-transparency of sessions window
  • Does not require any alterations to the existing PuTTY executable
  • Session Management - available from the tree view or a separate session management window
    • Export Sessions to registry file, or CSV file
    • Save New Session using existing session as template
    • Delete Sessions
    • Copy Session Attributes - copy all or part of your sesssion settings from one session to many others
    • Rename Session
  • Support for launching Pageant with a list of SSH keys
  • Support for launching FileZilla and WinSCP session from the tree
  • Support for launching PuTTY sessions into ConEMU tabbed console emulator
  • Check for updates feature
PSMP Showing folders
2024/07/14 The elelventh release of PSMP v0.51 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This release brings the project up to current software levels and has a small number of other bug fixes and changes. The PuTTY Session Manager Plus extends the orriginal PuTTY Session Manager.
26-04-2017 The tenth release of PSM v0.50 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This release adds support for ConEMU and has a small number of other bug fixes and changes. Apologies for the long delay between releases!
02-08-2010 The ninth release of PSM v0.41 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This is a minor release of PSM, which adds the ability to copy hostnames to clipboard and use the ALT key as a hotkey modifier. A small number of bugs have also been addressed.
26-04-2009 The eigth release of PSM v0.40 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This is a significant release of PSM, which adds a "synchronise sessions" feature. A small number of bugs have been addressed, and the screens re-implemented so that scaling fonts should now work in a sensible fashion.
29-06-2008 The seventh release of PSM v0.31 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This is a minor release of PSM, with a small number of bug fixes and changes.
13-09-2007 The sixth release of PSM v0.3 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This is a significant release of PSM, which focuses on enhancing usability.
19-06-2007 The fifth release of PSM v0.2.3.1 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This version implements Export Sessions to CSV and reordering of folders, and some bug fixes
29-10-2006 The fourth release of PSM v0.2.2.1 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This version implements a check for update feature, minimize window hotkey and some bug fixes
02-09-2006 The third release of PSM v0.2.1.1 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This version implements some small feature requests and minor bug fixes
22-07-2006 The second release of PSM v0.2.0.1 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.
This version has many new session management features
22-06-2006 The initial release of PSM v0.1.0.1 is now available on the Sourceforge downloads page.


Screenshots can be found here.


There is no documentation for this at the moment , although I plan to rectify this as soon as possible!


Submit support requests to the tracker here, or post a note on one of the discussion forums here.

Installation Requirements
  1. PuTTY. This has been tested with PuTTY v0.68
  2. .NET Framework 2.0. The windows installer will check your system for the correct version of the framework. It will then prompt you to download and install it, if you don't already have it. Alternatively, download it from Microsoft, and use the zip file for the binaries.
  3. This was originally developed on Windows XP Professional, which should still work but I can no longer test on it. I now use Windows 10, however from Windows Vista up the session hotkeys (Win 1-9,0 ) have been taken for the system quick launch applications. Update 29-06-2008: This is now addressed in v0.31 - which allows you to choose an alternative modifier (Ctrl+Alt) for hotkeys.

Binaries: PSM is available in a windows installer or a zip file. All downloads can be found on the Sourceforge download page.
Source code: The subversion repository can be viewed here.
Release Notes: The latest release notes can be found here.

Build instructions

If you want to get the latest source code and build the bleeding edge version, instructions are as follows:

1. Get the project from subversion - you can get subversion here:
and Tortoise SVN ( a windows client for subversion ) here:

2. Set the svn root to be and do a checkout.

3. If you have Visual Studio 2022, just open the visual studio project and build the project. (free) from here:
If not you can download the Microsoft .NET 8.0 SDK from here:


PuTTY Session Manager Plus is released under the GPL , and makes use of the FileHelpers Library , released under the MIT Licence.


Designed for use with PuTTY by Simon Tatham.

Project extends the work of PuTTY Session Manger PuTTY Session Manager by David Riseley

Inspired by QuickPuTTY by Olivier Deckmyn and PLaunch.

Installer uses the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System.

PSMP makes grateful use of the FileHelpers Library.

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